NBA Finals 2018: Game 2 PREVIEW

The NBA Finals is here and you have to believe that Game 1 was unbelievably entertaining and you need to understand that the next few games coming up will only keep on getting better and better regardless of who wins the games.

But before we keep on speculating on the possible (14,000,605) outcomes of the NBA Finals, we need to take a look at what’s to come for Game 2

The King’s Cage Has Been Rattled

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Game 1 had many of us at the edge of our seats because the Cavs almost stole the game AND LeBron James scored a whopping 51-points (sixth player in NBA history to record 50+ points in The Finals). Just the perfect ingredients to steal the game. But the Cavs left quite the space for unnecessary errors with George Hill missing the much needed game winning free throw and the infamous JR Smith incident where he ran off with the ball thinking they were ahead, not knowing the game was tied. Much can be said about how LeBron felt but we all know that the King was beyond infuriated. With that being said, we can establish that LeBron will head into Game 2 with a much more aggressive approach to head back to Cleveland with the series tied. We should expect another 30+ or 40+ points performance from LeBron.

The Slim Reaper Awakens



Despite scoring 29 points in Game 1, Kevin Durant looked awfully absent. It was all thanks to Stephen Curry for keeping the Warriors in the game while the Cavs were close to stealing the win in Oracle. But why consider KD absent when Steph is around? Because KD is the catalyst in this series and the winning factor for the Warriors. See, even without KD, the Warriors do stand a chance at beating LeBron and the Cavs but just a “chance” isn’t good enough especially if you’re hoping to successfully defend your title. And if KD does wake up from his sleeping state? Then it is certain that we will be having a classic duel on the court between two of the best players in basketball. That and also a rout from the Warriors to the Cavs.

More Ref’ing and Less Replay’ing



The downside of Game 1 wasn’t JR Smith or LeBron’s much seen anger. But it was the officiating of the game. There’s nothing more boring than criticizing an entertaining game because of little error in officiating. Now, we cannot be quick to put the finest NBA referees on the grill but they need to be accurate in their calls for the next upcoming games in The Finals. We really don’t want to look back at the 2018 NBA Finals as the most wrongfully officiated Finals in the history of the game. So Game 2 will have much more spot on accurate calls being made…hopefully

The Easter Egg of the Outcome

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The Cleveland Cavaliers are indeed regarded the underdogs of the series as all the odds are bet against them. Meaning, many people have bet for the Cavs to lose. But Game 1 gave us a slight clue as to a possible Game 7 luring in the horizon of the NBA Finals. And Game 2 will give us a possible certain answer as to if the Cavs will really bring the fight to the Golden State Warriors. Should the Warriors win, we should expect a sweep or 4-1/4-2 win for them. If the Cavs win, then we can certainly expect a Game 7 or even a major upset by Game 5.

So do yourself the biggest favour and just watch Game 2 of the NBA Finals because it is for sure that it will be hot and much more entertaining then Game 1.

Catch the NBA Finals on YouTube at 03:00 CAT (GMT +2)

Author: thebaseline_luba

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