NBA Finals 2018 – Game 3: REVIEW

You should really start watching the NBA Finals because watching them is just as good as watching a classic thriller. But no worries, The Baseline is here to keep you up to date with The Finals and what you have to know is that Game 3 was a thriller as it really showed that this was anyone’s game.

Here’s what went down at Game 3

Cleveland Is Reaper’s Land

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Many critics have been questioning Kevin Durant’s prescence on the court for Game 1 and 2 as he was “nowhere to be found” even though he scored a decent 29 points and 27 points in respective games. However, the Slim Reaper really did show up in Game 3 as he blazed the Cavs’ defense with his three point shooting as well as his driving to the basket at which all defenders were helpless against him. KD went on to score 43 points and stack 13 rebounds. And ironically enough, he pretty much ended the game in the same fashion he did last year with a three from the exact same spot he shot in last year’s Game 3. Slim Reaper has just owned The Land.

Move Out Of The King’s Way

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LeBron James is on another level, a new killer instinct zone and most importantly, in the most uncomfortable position because his back is against the wall in front of his Cleveland faithful. And his performance proved that he is nowhere near giving up on the title just yet. Yes, Steve Kerr (Warriors’ Head Coach) may have assigned a few players on LeBron but from watching the game and analyzing every basket that came from LeBron, there’s really no stopping The King especially at home. And on top of that, the man recorded his tenth triple double in The Finals, a new record (currently) with him scoring 33 points, giving away 11 assists and collecting 10 rebounds. If anything, LeBron is truly playing like no other LeBron we’ve seen in years and we believe that this may just be the greatest LeBron James we’ve seen (surpassing 2016 LeBron and 2012 LeBron).

Chef Was A No Show

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We have high hopes that Stephen Curry will win The Finals MVP because it’s time he wins the award in order for him to truly solidify himself as the world’s third best basketball player (after LeBron and KD). But Game 3 wasn’t Steph’s game…at all. For a player who now owns the record of most three pointers made in The Finals (9), Steph didn’t look like he owned the record but we can’t really blame him because the Cavs set out a hungry and determined defense on him and keep him away from getting hot in the three point zone. But it’s too early to even tell if he can step out of his shooting slump come Game 4 because we know and expect him to step onto to the court, ready to shoot the Cavs out of The Finals and shoot the Warriors into The Promise Land.

Don’t Count The Inconsistent Cavs Out Just Yet

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Believe it or not, but we PREDICT a win for the Cavs come Game 4 because looking at how the Cavs started Game 3, they really looked focused and promising to give the Warriors a big fat L with them leading the game by 13 points. Unfortunately, they lost their cool and just let the Warriors’ train trample and shred them to pieces and it didn’t look pretty. Yes, it’s awesome watching KD take over the game but not in a way where the Cavs are in a position to be SWEPT! JR Smith looked amazing in the first half, mainly the first quarter, Tristan Thompson looked like the aggressive and hungry player we’ve all been looking for and Kevin Love surely did look like the long lost help LeBron has been looking for. Yet, it was the Warriors that STOLE the W. We don’t know what switched the Cavs off but they really need to stay on come Game 4 because THEY CAN beat the Warriors (in one game) and they did truly beat the Warriors in the first two quarters. But unfortunately for them, the series is in the Warriors’ complete favour now (sad emoji).

And there you have it, Game 3 in a bombshell. Now we ought to move on to Game 4 which could possibly be the last we see LeBron James in a Cavs uniform and possibly the last we see of the name Cleveland Cavaliers in The Finals.

Game 4 will be played on Saturday morning at 03:00 CAT (GMT +2) on YouTube and Soweto TV (DStv Channel 251)

Author: thebaseline_luba

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