NBA Finals 2018 – Game 4: REVIEW

Game 4 of the NBA Finals 2018 have come and gone and just like that, it marked the end of the 2017/18 season with the Golden State Warriors sweeping their way to the championship and left the fans of Cleveland Cavaliers heartbroken and questioning themselves as to what will happen next?

And funny enough, we feel the same way but we do know what went down in this epic finale

The Warriors Reign Over The Land



In 2015, the Warriors took their first (third overall) championship in front of the Cleveland faithful which at that time, didn’t sting for anyone. It was just a simple duel between two very good teams who had earn the respect of many fans and critics alike. Fast forward to now, the encounters between these teams have always left us wondering and questioning who really wants it more because every battle between these teams had “intensive personal clashes” written all over it. And Game 4 had just showed that the Warriors were always the better team. During the game, they had already won the game by the first half and there was really nothing the Cavs could do by the second half due to the impressive plays the Warriors displayed with AND without the ball. By the last five minutes of the game it was already seen that the Warriors had swept the Cavs in spectacular fashion.

The King’s Last Dance In Cleveland



When LeBron James made his return to the Cavs, he promised the Cleveland faithful a championship to which he did deliever. So there wasn’t much for Bron to do when he already delievered his promise but we all knew that LeBron had to keep on pushing the Cavaliers to the GREAT status similar to Warriors. And let’s not take anything away from what Bron has done for the Cavs but watching this current Cavs team flop in The Finals had just confirmed what many feared. That this would be LeBron’s last game in the Cavs uniform. Bron tried his hardest with him driving the Cavs into the game and scoring 23 points, dishing out 8 assists and taking 7 rebounds yet his hard efforts was simply a tickle to what the Warriors offloaded to the Cavs. And at the end of the game, LeBron congratulated the Warriors and left the court in a standing ovation. A beautiful way for the King to take his last “bow” at the Quicken Loans Arena as a Cavalier.

KD Goes Back 2 Back



Yes, we predicted for Stephen Curry to take the Finals MVP and we were wrong as Kevin Durant, The Slim Reaper had taken the award once again and once again claiming souls in Cleveland. And he really deserved it because he went completley ballistic in this game, with him recording a triple-double as he had 20 points, 10 assists and 12 rebounds. So it makes sense for him to be awarded The Finals MVP again and it really showed just how good KD is especially when he going up against the best player in the world.

Three Rings For The Greatest Three Point Shooter

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Before coming to the NBA, Stephen Curry was slept on and counted out to be a NBA player. Today, he has the last laugh (again) as the man finally has three rings to his name (and fingers) and funny enough it only took him four Finals apperances to have three rings and compared to another three ringed superstar who had nine Finals appearances, it’s amazing how Stephen Curry has become…GREAT. And Game 4 was no ordinary game as he lead all scorers from both teams with 37 points. You can imagine what a big deal Game 4 was to him because he had an awful Game 3 which costed him winning The Finals MVP. But the Chef was truly switched on and is livid that he is a three-time champion.

The End of An Era

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Game 4 not only had many of us in tears of laughter and heartbreak but it had us realizing that this was the end of the Warriors-Cavaliers rivalry. And you have to be blind sided to even appreciate the fact that this rivalry has given us four years of fantastic basketball all the way from Steph’s shake and bake three to the LeBron Block to Iguodala to the Kyrie Clutch Shot and to KD’s shot over LeBron. These teams have given us entertaining basketball in an elite level at which we won’t see in the next five to ten years. So it only feels right to thank these two teams for giving us one of the greatest Finals saga in the history of basketball.

And there you have it, Game 4 amd the NBA Finals in a bombshell. Also the whole NBA season being closed in a wonderful manner as we’ll now have to wait until October to open a newer and hopefully better NBA season.


NBA Finals 2018 – Game 4: PREVIEW

One bad thing about the NBA Finals is that it’s the conclusion of the NBA season. Then we have to wait for another four months for the start of the new season. But let’s stay in the present and enjoy everything the NBA Finals is giving us right now.

Tonight’s Game 4 could possibly be the end of the series could sweep the Cavs to take the NBA title for a third time in four years but then LeBron and the Cavs might just be able to force a Game 5. Here’s why…

The King Shall Break Thy Broom



ESPN First Take analyst Stephen A Smith has stated that the Warriors are hell-bent on sweeping the Cavs in tonight’s game simply because of LeBron James. But as a basketball fan you have to question yourself and think about this; would LeBron really end his 15th season in the NBA being swept? And quite frankly we don’t believe LeBron will allow the Warriors to actually walk in the Quicken Loans Arena to sweep him and the Cavs. Plus the last time LeBron got swept was in 2007 so you can imagine how the King will put all the stops to have one swept record instead of two.

Warriors Will Want To Bring The Broom

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As stated earlier, the Warriors are hell bent on sweeping the Cavs tonight and you can imagine why; LeBron & the allusive championship that will show a clear indication that this is truly the Golden State Warriors’ dynasty. So there’s no reason or any need for the Warriors to simply slow down in tonight’s game just to win a championship in front of their home fans at the Oracle…they’ve already done that! Plus this could be the Warriors’ spiteful way of giving LeBron that perfect farewell to the Cleveland Cavaliers; A big fat L and a broomstick.

Who’s The Real Finals MVP?

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This year’s Finals has the Top Three players in the world on the same court, with the second and third both teaming up to take out the first. But when it comes to these three players, there’s something that makes them stand out from the rest of the players; their MVP calibre. And this year’s Finals has to be the one of the best in terms of the “Race To Finals MVP” with all Top Three players playing in the best way they’re playing at. So it will be pretty difficult to decide who’s really The Finals MVP between LeBron, KD and Steph.

If you’re asking who we think is going to win tonight’s game and who is The Finals MVP, all you need to know is that we are that 1% of the world hoping for a Game 5 but The Finals MVP will stand out in tonight’s Game 4.

Catch Game 4 of The Finals at 03:00 CAT on YouTube and Soweto TV (DStv Channel 251)

NBA Finals 2018 – Game 3: REVIEW

You should really start watching the NBA Finals because watching them is just as good as watching a classic thriller. But no worries, The Baseline is here to keep you up to date with The Finals and what you have to know is that Game 3 was a thriller as it really showed that this was anyone’s game.

Here’s what went down at Game 3

Cleveland Is Reaper’s Land

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Many critics have been questioning Kevin Durant’s prescence on the court for Game 1 and 2 as he was “nowhere to be found” even though he scored a decent 29 points and 27 points in respective games. However, the Slim Reaper really did show up in Game 3 as he blazed the Cavs’ defense with his three point shooting as well as his driving to the basket at which all defenders were helpless against him. KD went on to score 43 points and stack 13 rebounds. And ironically enough, he pretty much ended the game in the same fashion he did last year with a three from the exact same spot he shot in last year’s Game 3. Slim Reaper has just owned The Land.

Move Out Of The King’s Way

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LeBron James is on another level, a new killer instinct zone and most importantly, in the most uncomfortable position because his back is against the wall in front of his Cleveland faithful. And his performance proved that he is nowhere near giving up on the title just yet. Yes, Steve Kerr (Warriors’ Head Coach) may have assigned a few players on LeBron but from watching the game and analyzing every basket that came from LeBron, there’s really no stopping The King especially at home. And on top of that, the man recorded his tenth triple double in The Finals, a new record (currently) with him scoring 33 points, giving away 11 assists and collecting 10 rebounds. If anything, LeBron is truly playing like no other LeBron we’ve seen in years and we believe that this may just be the greatest LeBron James we’ve seen (surpassing 2016 LeBron and 2012 LeBron).

Chef Was A No Show

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We have high hopes that Stephen Curry will win The Finals MVP because it’s time he wins the award in order for him to truly solidify himself as the world’s third best basketball player (after LeBron and KD). But Game 3 wasn’t Steph’s game…at all. For a player who now owns the record of most three pointers made in The Finals (9), Steph didn’t look like he owned the record but we can’t really blame him because the Cavs set out a hungry and determined defense on him and keep him away from getting hot in the three point zone. But it’s too early to even tell if he can step out of his shooting slump come Game 4 because we know and expect him to step onto to the court, ready to shoot the Cavs out of The Finals and shoot the Warriors into The Promise Land.

Don’t Count The Inconsistent Cavs Out Just Yet

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Believe it or not, but we PREDICT a win for the Cavs come Game 4 because looking at how the Cavs started Game 3, they really looked focused and promising to give the Warriors a big fat L with them leading the game by 13 points. Unfortunately, they lost their cool and just let the Warriors’ train trample and shred them to pieces and it didn’t look pretty. Yes, it’s awesome watching KD take over the game but not in a way where the Cavs are in a position to be SWEPT! JR Smith looked amazing in the first half, mainly the first quarter, Tristan Thompson looked like the aggressive and hungry player we’ve all been looking for and Kevin Love surely did look like the long lost help LeBron has been looking for. Yet, it was the Warriors that STOLE the W. We don’t know what switched the Cavs off but they really need to stay on come Game 4 because THEY CAN beat the Warriors (in one game) and they did truly beat the Warriors in the first two quarters. But unfortunately for them, the series is in the Warriors’ complete favour now (sad emoji).

And there you have it, Game 3 in a bombshell. Now we ought to move on to Game 4 which could possibly be the last we see LeBron James in a Cavs uniform and possibly the last we see of the name Cleveland Cavaliers in The Finals.

Game 4 will be played on Saturday morning at 03:00 CAT (GMT +2) on YouTube and Soweto TV (DStv Channel 251)

NBA Finals 2018 – Game 3: PREVIEW

For those who haven’t had a glimpse of the NBA Finals, it’s time you should know that the series is standing at 2-0. For the Cleveland faithful, you probably ignoring the score but for Warriors fans and basketball fans alike, you should know that this series is only about to get hot because anything is still possible.

Just like last year, the Warriors are heading to Cleveland with 2-0 in their favour and they will have to endure a tough two games at Cleveland where the Cavs could possibly tie the series…or force a Game 5…or get themselves swept. Whatever the results, we should hold our horses and just stay tuned to Game 3 and its’ possibilites.




Stephen Curry has been sensational for the past two games, where in Game 1 he was one rebound shy of a triple-double and Game 2 he broke the record for most three’s in a Finals game which was previously held by Ray Allen (who was then regarded as the Greatest Shooter Of All Time). And now Steph leads the Warriors in Game 3 with all the confidence in the world knowing that there’s nobody that can guard him except for LeBron James (provided he leaves KD to the rest of the Cavs). Steph WILL torch the Cavs’ defense with his outragous three pointers and could demoralise their moral heading to Game 4.

A King’s Will



During the whole postseason, LeBron has played beyond his limit and whenever the Cavs had their backs against the walls at home, the King always showed up. Now seeing how this is The Finals and this could possibly be the last few games we see LeBron in Cavs uniform, it’s expected that LeBron will deliever an incredible GOAT-like performance which could bring the much needed W for the Cavs. LeBron will surely pull all the stops tonight.

Change of Shooter-y



Once upon a time, the Cleveland Cavaliers were graceful for their three point shooting just as the Golden State Warriors. But a little shake up in the roster may have ruined all that, therefore making JR Smith their primary shooter. But JR hasn’t showed up all postseason. His shooting efficiency just isn’t as good as it once was and in a series like this one, where shooting is the primary solution of winning the title, you can’t be reliant on a Shooting Guard who’s absent. So it could be time for Tyronne Lue (head coach of the Cavs) to shake things up and start Kyle Korver. Korver could be the catalyst the Cavs so need right now.

Physicality At It’s Finest



One thing we should praise about both teams, is that they have the finest physical players any head coach could rely on. And in this case, we should be seeing what could be a battle of rebounding dominance between the post players of both teams mainly Tristan Thompson (Cavs) and Draymond Green (Warriors). Both men were in a brief dispute at the end of Game 1 and it will only make sense for both men to go completely all out as both teams will be grinding for that sweet victory that woll determine the course of the rest of the NBA Finals.

So whether you think the outcome of The Finals will be one sided, it’s best you watch Game 3 as this will surely be an entertaining game of basketball…yes…AT ITS’ FINEST

Catch the NBA Finals Game 3 tonight at 03:00 CAT on YouTube and Soweto TV (DStv Channel 251)

NBA Finals 2018: Game 2 PREVIEW

The NBA Finals is here and you have to believe that Game 1 was unbelievably entertaining and you need to understand that the next few games coming up will only keep on getting better and better regardless of who wins the games.

But before we keep on speculating on the possible (14,000,605) outcomes of the NBA Finals, we need to take a look at what’s to come for Game 2

The King’s Cage Has Been Rattled

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Game 1 had many of us at the edge of our seats because the Cavs almost stole the game AND LeBron James scored a whopping 51-points (sixth player in NBA history to record 50+ points in The Finals). Just the perfect ingredients to steal the game. But the Cavs left quite the space for unnecessary errors with George Hill missing the much needed game winning free throw and the infamous JR Smith incident where he ran off with the ball thinking they were ahead, not knowing the game was tied. Much can be said about how LeBron felt but we all know that the King was beyond infuriated. With that being said, we can establish that LeBron will head into Game 2 with a much more aggressive approach to head back to Cleveland with the series tied. We should expect another 30+ or 40+ points performance from LeBron.

The Slim Reaper Awakens



Despite scoring 29 points in Game 1, Kevin Durant looked awfully absent. It was all thanks to Stephen Curry for keeping the Warriors in the game while the Cavs were close to stealing the win in Oracle. But why consider KD absent when Steph is around? Because KD is the catalyst in this series and the winning factor for the Warriors. See, even without KD, the Warriors do stand a chance at beating LeBron and the Cavs but just a “chance” isn’t good enough especially if you’re hoping to successfully defend your title. And if KD does wake up from his sleeping state? Then it is certain that we will be having a classic duel on the court between two of the best players in basketball. That and also a rout from the Warriors to the Cavs.

More Ref’ing and Less Replay’ing



The downside of Game 1 wasn’t JR Smith or LeBron’s much seen anger. But it was the officiating of the game. There’s nothing more boring than criticizing an entertaining game because of little error in officiating. Now, we cannot be quick to put the finest NBA referees on the grill but they need to be accurate in their calls for the next upcoming games in The Finals. We really don’t want to look back at the 2018 NBA Finals as the most wrongfully officiated Finals in the history of the game. So Game 2 will have much more spot on accurate calls being made…hopefully

The Easter Egg of the Outcome

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The Cleveland Cavaliers are indeed regarded the underdogs of the series as all the odds are bet against them. Meaning, many people have bet for the Cavs to lose. But Game 1 gave us a slight clue as to a possible Game 7 luring in the horizon of the NBA Finals. And Game 2 will give us a possible certain answer as to if the Cavs will really bring the fight to the Golden State Warriors. Should the Warriors win, we should expect a sweep or 4-1/4-2 win for them. If the Cavs win, then we can certainly expect a Game 7 or even a major upset by Game 5.

So do yourself the biggest favour and just watch Game 2 of the NBA Finals because it is for sure that it will be hot and much more entertaining then Game 1.

Catch the NBA Finals on YouTube at 03:00 CAT (GMT +2)

NBA Finals 2018: PREVIEW

The time has arrived! Where all eyes from corners of the basketball world are watching the biggest stage of the whole game of basketball; The NBA Finals. And although the matchup this year isn’t different from what we’ve seen for the past four years, this years matchup could be the final matchup between the titans of the Golden State Warriors and the emphatic Cleveland Cavaliers.

Let’s take a look of what could or will transpire in this year’s Finals

It’s All Bron or Nothing…



LeBron James has been destined to carry the role of being The Man of a team since his first day at office in the NBA but this season has highlighted just how of a Carrier of Men LeBron really is. Having very little help from his adequate teammates, there really is no other factor other than LeBron James in the Cleveland Cavaliers. It’s a brutal truth many Cavs fanatics try to avoid but even they know that LeBron is the Cavs’ only chance of grasping one single win in this series and we should expect at least ONE win for the Cavs as there is no way LeBron will allow the Warriors to sweep him and the Cavs. So what we can and should expect is to see LeBron on every single angle and corner of the court in this matchup series.

A Walk In The Park For The Warriors



SPOILER ALERT: The Golden State Warriors WILL win the 2018 NBA Finals. But don’t let this spoil your anticipation for The Finals because we will see the very best from every single player from Stephen Curry down to Nick Young because this will be the very last confirmation that we are living in a Golden State Dynasty, something we’ve all kind of expected. But looking at the roster of the Cavs, we can expect a routing from the Warriors because their only threat to catching or rather stealing a third championship in four years is LeBron Raymone James. And we can all establish that every single game in this series will be decided by either Steph or Kevin Durant or Klay Thompson or Draymond Green or even all four of them all at once, which makes the Warriors’ third championship in four years a walk in the park with no worries of losing or even blowing The Finals away.

It’s KD’s Turn…



For those living under a rock, it’s important to know that LeBron James is recognized as the world’s best basketball player followed by Kevin Durant and these two stars have had pretty intense battles in the past to determine who really is the best between the two. Now obviously, LeBron is the best but this year’s Finals will only strengthen KD’s case as to why he is the best because it is truly expected that these men will guard each other from the start of the series up to the end of the fourth quarter in the final game of the series so you can imagine just how meaningful this will be for KD. Should KD take one over LeBron, expect mang critics to prasie KD has the best of this game and that’s something we all expect. However…LeBron will always be the GREATER one.

A (Possibly Final) Hoorah For The Battle of The Chef and The King



Since the beginning of this rivalry, back in the 2015 NBA Finals, many saw a battle between the rising star in Stephen Curry and the already established king in LeBron James and that battle has escalated in the next three years because these two men are the faces of basketball globally…yes KD may be recognized as the second best player in the world but Stephen Curry has risen to represent this beautiful game on a highly global scale similar to LeBron. But there’s something about these two players that make this era’s game great and it’s the mere fact that every matchup they’ve had has meant something to either men. Although they are civil off the court towards each other, on the court these men make each better yet they irritate the living play out of each other. We should see this matchup as a possible final hoorah of the battle between the Chef and the King.

A New G.O.A.T

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Don’t throw the Cavaliers’ chances of winning out the window just yet! Why? Because LeBron James is still relevant in this matchup. That being said, we should all know just how GREAT LeBron is and he can even the chances of the Cavs winning to the chance of the Warriors. And it’s because of that we should all ask; What If The Cavs Win? Well here’s the answer: A New GOAT Upon Us. LeBron will be prasied as the Greatest not because of how he individually managed to pull a major upset(again) but because of how consistent he’s remain all postseason long and how he had no single help to reach out for. See tbe mere difference between him and the current GOAT Michael Jordan is that MJ has won 6 Finals with zero losses BUT with the help of All Star teammate, Scottie Pippen. Yet in LeBron’s case, he will do it all alone and he will do it in dominant style. THAT’S IF THE CAVS WIN. But if the Cavs lose then we can still call LeBron a great just not of all time…of this generation however, definitely!

And there you have it, your sneak peek to what will be a must-watch Finals matchup between the Cavs and the Warriors. And here at The Baseline we will update you on every single angle happening in The Finals.


The Final Yet Early Curtain Call for The Land

Let’s face it, this past 2017/18 NBA season for the Cleveland Cavaliers has been ridiculous. From trade demands to trades galore, this isn’t the same inspiring championship winning team we all adored. Yes, nothing lasts forever but it almost feels like this is the end of the Cleveland Cavaliers era which began when LeBron James echoed the words “I’m Coming Home” to the world. Yet we can’t help but feel like all of this is ending quicker than we expected, now we might go back to watching the Cavs tank and tank and tank to the point they become the joke of the NBA.

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The Cavs had to endure so much this past season. Never mind the Kyrie Irving trade demand as that trade demand was made to benefit the Cavs more yet two of those players traded to the Cavs would later on be axed and shipped off along with other players who were supposed to reinforce the team but only for locker room drama to weaken the team. Now the Cavs is reduced to a very young and rather inexperienced team that may never get to see the NBA Finals and can only listen to the tales of The Finals by JR Smith, Kevin Love and LeBron James.

Now we’re reduced to watching a single player carry the whole load of a team and it’s inevitable for that player to make his way out of Cleveland, besides he made a promise of bringing a championship to The Land and he has fulfilled that promise. But don’t get it twisted, it’s a delight watching LeBron take charge of every game but it’s a sore to the eyes to watch a man put in so much effort only for his teammates to not deliever the same fire and intensity LeBron brings in to a game. It’s totally unfair.
The Cavs ended the regular season as the fourth seed and that’s enough evidence that this isn’t the same spectacular basketball team that we all enjoyed to watch, most people have rather jumped on the Raptors and 76ers bandwagon. There’s only so much a team can endure but to watch the Cavs struggle unnecessarily is just too much!

Now they’re in the NBA Playoffs playing for their lives IN THE FIRST ROUND against the Indiana Pacers and so far, the Pacers are bossing it out as they’ve already beat the Cavs at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland and have taken a 1-0 lead. And should the Pacers intensify themselves, we could be witnesses one of the greatest upsets in Playoff history that will for surely determine the fate of the Cavs as to if we’ll be seeing a tanking boring Cavs or a Cavs that somehow convinced the King to stay and reset themselves to become the Kings of the East again.
The NBA Playoffs 2018 might just be an early curtain call for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Next year this time, they could be as irrelevant as the Brooklyn Nets.

MLK Day Match Review: Warriors Conquer The Land

Every January 15 of every year is celebrated as Martin Luther King Day in the United States of America. This is the day to celebrate the life and honours of the late revolutionist who would pave way for many of the successes of African Americans and other races who believe in unity. And what a way to celebrate the day with a classic match between the Warriors and the Cavaliers at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland.

Despite the Cavaliers’ recent struggles, they stood a good chance at giving the Warriors a run at their money but that’s the issue with the Cavs…they can’t seem to rid the “struggle” out of their team plays and system of the team. Meanwhile the Warriors kept their sizzling hot form at display with Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry and the whole Warriors dismantling the Cavaliers.

The match ended as a 10 point game as the Warriors defeated the Cavs 118-108. It may not have been a potential Finals match up but it surely was a great MLK Day match up between the two teams. However there were some aspects of the game that really need to be looked and discussed

Such as…

LeBron is on Finals-Mode but what about the rest?


LeBron James is a superstar destined to be great and he’s in the league of the All Time Greats such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson. But unlike the greats, Bron has a very large sharp thorn that’s BEEN keeping him from limping to the promise land, the Warriors. But LeBron is never short of bringing his complete arsenal against the Warriors and he always puts his body and talent on the line but what about the rest of his Cavaliers? Why don’t they bring their greatness to the table? As much as I’d love to give you an answer, it’s just unknown. Okay, there has been games where a select few have risen to the occasion but they just don’t bring enough firepower to help LeBron. If and IF the Cavs make it to The Finals, every single player that dons the Cavs jersey will have to outperform themselves to stay intact with the Warriors or else the Cavs will be a victim of THE SWEEP.

KD is close to grabbing the King’s tail


All of Kevin Durant’s basketball career, KD has always been regarded as the second best and even in today’s game KD is seen as second best only behind LeBron James. But in the NBA Finals last year, the recent Christmas game and the MLK Day game, we may be seeing a change in powers. KD is just tips away from being better than LeBron and that will truly be his greatest accomplishment as he will dethrone the King, something no other player in our generation has truly achieved. And in the MLK Day game, KD was all over the place, knocking down threes, defending the perimeter and pushing LeBron to get out of his way for his dunk…okay, LeBron may have blocked KD’s layup but KD was owning the court taking every single Cavs player as his prisoners! And although LeBron has way more career points than KD, many people believe KD has what it takes to overtake LeBron and even break the forgotten career points record of 38,387 points set by the great Kareem Abdul Jabbar. KD is on course of becoming the best of the game

The Warriors have already won the NBA Championship


It’s still January in fact it’s only the beginning of the New Year but it’s not difficult to see that the Golden State Warriors have already taken the title back to back (JUST LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE IN 2016). It’s far fetched to assume a champion at this stage but take this into consideration; LeBron charges the Cavs past the Eastern Conference Playoffs and meets the Warriors in The Finals only to get beat down completely. How do I know this? Well take a look at the MLK Day game and try simulate it into a Finals game. Both teams will surely play better but the Warriors will surely perform better. Kevin Durant will steal the show, Stephen Curry will only prove that he indeed is the greatest shooter of the game, Draymond Green will trample the Cavs’ spirits, Klay Thompson will set the perimeter alight and the bench will make the Cavs’ second unit look like a B-team college squad. This may just be the final year of the great Cavs-Warriors rivalry but the Warriors dynasty will live long and it may be time for LeBron to find the squad to dethrone the Warriors.

The MLK Day game was enjoyable and we can only hope that these two teams will meet at The Finals because they won’t bump into each other this season and the other team in the way of the Cavs’ journey to The Finals are the Boston Celtics (which will be discussed later on). Otherwise a game with the best of LeBron against the best of KD and Steph is and will always be regarded as a classic!



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The King Slows Down For None

When you look at the past NBA players who have donned us with their amazing talent, you’ll notice that their fifteenth season was just a season with no highlights, no remarkable moments or anything dazzling. Not only do athletes past thirty years of age have signs of slowing down but they aren’t the same hot-headed players they once were. All this goes for most NBA players…certainly doesn’t go for LeBron James.

Most critics in fact all the critics the NBA media can ever assemble will tell you what I’m telling you right now, that LeBron is having the best season of his career and the man is only 33. He may be past his “prime” but when you look at LeBron perform this season you’ll soon question yourself if this is LeBron’s true prime. He’s just proving to everyone that he is indeed the King…even though we should’ve paid attention to him saying there’s nothing more he has to prove.

From his early days in Cleveland to his reign in Miami and back to his hometown, LeBron has been evolving into a player that some regard as the “perfect player”. Now let’s be realistic, nobody on this planet is close to being perfect but on the court, within the baseline, LeBron rules all little lines and details of basketball. Many LeBron Haters will disagree and try throw in names like Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, Russell Westbrook but those names have no impact the way LeBron does…okay with Steph, an argument can be made and that will be done later but for now, we have to focus on the King.

But, what is it about this fifteenth season LeBron that makes him better than the 2007 Finals LeBron and the 2013 Miami Heat LeBron? Simple, consistency and experience. This LeBron is literally putting his cards on the table, showing us just how much of a winner he is and he hasn’t even shown his full deck. Honestly speaking, this LeBron deserves another ring, another championship to his name and what could really stand in his way of cementing his possibly MVP season? Other than the Golden State Warriors but it’s the reality of facing the Warriors with a team that has less firepower than the Warriors. But…BUT…LeBron has what it takes (once again) to carry the Cavs back to The Finals.

Speaking of MVP, the King is in talks for the MVP award. Sure, James Harden is the main talk of the MVP conversations but LeBron is the main and possibly only contender that stands in the way of Harden claiming his first ever MVP award. It’s not fair to have the best player in the world as a contender of an award that he can win once again with ease but this is LeBron James we’re talking about, this is the LeBron in his fifteenth season who is showing absolutely zero signs of slowing down. He’s averaging 28.2 points per game, 8.6 assists per game and 8 rebounds per game and surely those numbers will only increase.


Whether you love him, like him or hate him, you have to respect the hustle, the grit and the wisdom of King James because in this modern era, we are fortunate to witness a player of LeBron’s stature and talent and you will have to admit that LeBron (after Kobe) is the greatest basketball player…of this generation. Perhaps it’s too late for LeBron to be “chasing ghosts” (Michael Jordan) but this LeBron that we’re seeing is just making it hard for us to keep his name out of the Jordan-Kobe conversations. LeBron James is definitely a Once In A Lifetime player…especially seeing how his fifteenth season is his greatest yet.


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A Month Into The League

We’re in Week 5 of the world’s greatest basketball league which technically means that we’re a month into the world’s basketball league, the National Basketball Association or if you will, the NBA. We’ve seen plenty and a whole lot of the “wow” moments and the “ahh” moments, whether it being the rise of the Greek Freak, Giannis Antetokounmpo or the fall (and rise) of Lonzo Ball. Either way, the NBA has been nowhere near disappointing this past month yet it’s certain we haven’t seen all of the spectacular moments just yet. Let’s take a look at what has made the NBA really awesome this past month.
Celtics Make Their Own Luck


Let’s be honest, during the opening stages of the NBA we all thought the Boston Celtic would just be a mediocre team considering how they gave up a lot just to put themselves in the “Rebuilding” process (we’ll come to the real moments later), not to mention they lost their alternative LeBron James, Gordon Hayward to a horrific injury, the odds were certainly against the Boston Celtics aapecially Kyrie Irving. But to those who knew that the Celtics would be a driving force, kudos to you because the Boston Celtics are now at the throne of the Eastern Conference. The team itself have found their much needed groove and we could be witnessing a Boston Celtics team that may spearhead themselves into the history books of the NBA. They’ve recorded an eleven-game winning game streak which saw them defeat the reigning champions, the Golden State Warriors. A streak which has eclipsed the 2009-10 Boston Celtics team streak. One can really say that the 2017-18 Boston Celtics team are making their own luck.
A Rocketing Warrior Fight In The West


In the past three seasons, the Western Conference has belonged to the Golden State Warriors. Although many predict that the Warriors will take the West again, as of right now, that isn’t much the case. The Houston Rockets have been immensely amazing in recent games. James Harden has already unlocked his inner MVP to charge the Rockets to the top of the Western Conference and nobody can really blame The Beard for doing so. Many critics believed it would be the Oklahoma City Thunder that would offer competition to the Warriors but they’ve been absent and have been showing us just why we could never count on a KD-less OKC team even with the likes of Paul George, Carmelo Anthony and the reigning MVP Russell Westbrook. So how and why has the Rockets been a throne to the Warriors’ dominance of the West? It’s simple…other than Harden’s sensational MVP performances, Mike D’Antoni has found a much better system for the Rockets to play in and it has been a charm for them. Meanwhile on the Bay, the Warriors haven’t been finding green pastures with their silly turnovers, not enough converting of baskets and a defense without the actual D (NO PUN INTENDED). It’s so bad that Stephen Curry tweeted to his followers and Warrior fans that they will fix things. Because they’re the reigning champions, they have to! So as the next coming weeks go by, we will see a change in the poles of the Western Conference and we will surely witness more beautiful basketball by the Warriors and the Rockets


The Philadelphia 76ers have been the worst team in the past three to four seasons. Purposely throwing away games just to land that lustrous number 1 pick in the NBA Draft and this has been called “The Process”. Enter Joel Embiid who would give himself the name “The Process” and he assured 76ers fans that they should TRUST THE PROCESS. This was Embiid letting fans and other people know that there is more to come from the 76ers. This season, the 76ers have shown us why The Process are to trust. Usually, they should be in the last position in the Eastern Conference but this time they are in the Top 8. It’s still an unbelievable thing to actually try believe. Joel Embiid has been a rocking force in the paint, offensive and defensively for the team and he even went to record 46 points against the Los Angeles Lakers. And there’s Ben Simmons, the rookie who was out the whole of last season has been amazing and he is already favourite to win the Rookie of the Year award. Not to mention that they have talented players who are actually getting the job done on both ends of the court. So far, the 76ers stand a good chance at going to the Playoffs but we’re pretty sure they won’t go past the first round but at least the players will go home knowing they played a part in bringing the Playoffs to the city of Philadelphia, which is something that hasn’t happened in a long while. Other than that, The Process is truly at full work and this may be a new era of greatness for the 76ers. This season will be theirs for the taking.
The Rollercoaster Ride of the Cavs


The Cleveland Cavaliers have surprised us so far, this season. Not in a good way though. The Cavs have recorded more losses than we least expected them to especially within a month of the NBA. Silly losses to the Atlanta Hawks, Houston Rockets and New York Knicks has just shown us that the Cleveland Cavaliers aren’t in their right minds. We can understand that they have a problem in filling the point guard position because Derrick Rose is in and out due to minor injuries and Isaiah Thomas is still recovering from his hip injury that many saw as an liability to the Cavs but with a team like the Cavs, it’s not something we hear everyday that the almighty Cleveland Cavaliers are at the mercy of these other ridiculous teams. LeBron James has been putting all the weight on his shoulders from time to time and we’ve seen great help from Dwyane Wade, Kevin Love and Kyle Korver as these guys have a way of shooting the Cavs back to the game only for them to lose in the dying minutes of the game. And in most games, the Cavs would have to comeback from double digits down and make a comeback which is something that may cost them come Playoff time…that’s if they’ll even reach the Playoffs this season, just by the looks of the performances. So perhaps in the next coming month, LeBron will rally up his Cavaliers and get them to wake up and fight off from their slump to take back the Eastern Conference. FYI, Stephen Curry said that the weather in Boston must be nice in June…clearly this is a shot at the Cavs and it’s up to them and only them to deny the Warriors from travelling to Boston come Finals time.
A Kawhi-less Spurs


Many San Antonio Spurs fans and other fans will notice that there’s something missing in the NBA. The Klaw…also known as Kawhi Leonard. By now, Kawhi should be on the race to MVP or leading in steals and blocks but he’s not. Simply because of injuries that are keeping down The Klaw from laying waste to the NBA. But it’s okay, for once we get to realize that Kawhi Leonard is human and he deserves all the time to recover fully. However, time is something the Spurs don’t need and instead they need their Kawhi back, the no-smiling easy bucket hard guarding Kawhi. Spurs have been doing just okay and that isn’t okay especially for a team led by the mastermind coach, Greg Popovich. The bright side to the Spurs so far is that they’ve managed to find a way to utilize LaMarcus Aldridge and have nicely exploited the talents of Kyle Anderson and have relied better on the sharpshooter that is Danny Green. The down side to the Spurs is that they’ve been in uncomfortable positions in the Western Conference and there’s only one person that can push them back to the top…Kawhi Leonard. But according to Popp, Kawhi will be back in a matter of weeks possibly the coming month and fans of other teams better fear because it will certain that Kawhi will be a trouble factor especially for the Rockets and the Warriors.

So seeing how it’s been a month since the NBA came back, the world has truly gone back to normal and we’re all happy that we are far from coming to the end of what is to be a hot season.
Stay tuned for more on the NBA

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