Trouble In The Land

The Cleveland Cavaliers have been a top two team since LeBron James announced “I’m coming home” back in 2014 and since then, the Cavs have reach the pinnacle of the NBA and they’ve done this in sensational fashion. They’ve appeared in three straight Finals, winning one NBA championship (the very first in the team and city history) and have made history by coming back from a 3-1 deficit, having two players score 40 points each in The Finals and maintain dominance in the Eastern Conference.
Fast forward to the recent preseason, The Land has been through a rollercoaster ride. The whole Kyrie Irving trade demand, the acquiring of Derrick Rose and Dwyane Wade and the changes in the starting five. Now this may not seem like a bad thing for a championship winning team, but any drastic change to a team can either change for the good or even affect a team in very bad way. And from the recent performances, the Cavs have been very affected. How well…
LeBron Can’t Do All Things (Alone)

LeBron has been showing us just how amazing he truly is, especially considering the fact that he’s in his 15th season and just by looking at his performances, he’s nowhere near slowing down. But his dominant performances aren’t enough to pull the Cavs from this slump. Sure, he scored a whopping 57 points against Eastern Conference rivals, the Washington Wizards, LeBron can’t carry a whole team on his shoulders alone especially when there’s talent in the team. It’s given that we are to “WITNESS” more of LeBron’s GREATNESS as the season continues, but just seeing LeBron losing easy games just isn’t so great. One man shouldn’t stand up to assist the team but the whole team needs to step up to at least make it easier for LeBron to carry them straight to The Finals.
What’s Defense without the D!?

We cannot criticize head coach Tyronne Lue because in the year that he’s taken the reins of the Cavs, he’s been the mastermind of the Cavs’ high-octane offense and hustle-hard defense but this season, we’re just not seeing much of the hustling. Now, it’s okay to lose games by letting the lethal shooters take shots outside the arc but it is definitely not okay to lose games by allowing points to come in from the paint. This has been a major issue this season, too many buckets come from the paint and that already is just a concern of whether the Cavs will be able to hold it down especially during the postseason because the teams in the East will go all out especially against a team lead by LeBron. So it’s only best for the Cavs to go back to the drawing board to figure out who can do and who can actually contribute to the D in the defense. No team is complete without the D (NO PUN INTENDED)
The Second Unit Cannot Pick Up The First Unit’s Messes

There’s nothing like a coach’s trust in his starting five, it shows that the coach knows that his starting five will determine or rather take charge of the game. However, a coach’s trust in his bench players to change the game is also significant but no coach should come down to the point where he entrusts his second unit to actually charge of a game rather than the first unit. And so far, that is what’s happening with the Cavs. They have so much talent and firepower in every player but it’s unfortunate only five can start a game and it’s understandable for Lue to have headaches on who should start. It’s just unfortunate to see that the starting five don’t impact the game as much as the second unit does, okay perhaps the second unit players don’t get past at least 25 points individually but their contribution is what drives to the Cavs…to not lose by at least 30 points. It’s quite clear that there’s a chemistry issue going between the starting five but whatever the main issue is, the team needs to fix this at once!
It may be the beginning of the NBA season, but so far the Cavs are standing at the 12th position and have won 4 games and lost 6. Something has to be done to the roster ASAP! No championship winning team deserved to be outside the Top 8 seeds. Major fixing needs to be in The Land.

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